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Fried liver paste

May 23, 2012

funny menu for you
Fried liver paste

Ingredients (for 3)

3 tablespoons finely ground pork liver
Boiled potatoes, cooked 3 tablespoons
1×1 inch size frozen ground tofu cubes 3
Egg yolks 3 tablespoons
3 teaspoons butter
1 celery root trees
3 garlic cloves
A little pepper
Salt or soy sauce to taste 1 teaspoon brand Maggie

How to do it

1 With mashed potatoes, mashed tofu, frozen liver powder Egg yolks together

2 Pound celery root, garlic, pepper and combine thoroughly

3 All the ingredients mixed together to a smooth and homogeneous Season with salt or sauce brand, Maggie

4 Melt butter in a frying pan on low heat, bring the mixture into the prepared pan and fry the 2 side is cooked onions

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