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Food of the World – France "Côtes de Veau-au-Fromage recipe"

March 7, 2011

(French: Veal with cheese)
Ingredients for 4 people:
– 4 veal chops 2cm thick
– 4 slices of ham
– 4 slices of Gryere cheese
– 2 eggs
– 100 gr. butter
– breadcrumps
– flour
– 1 lemon
– salt and pepper
Preparation Time: 20 Minutes Cooking Time: 20 Minutes
• Carefully cut a pouch lengthwise into the veal chops.
• Place a slice of ham and one slice of Gryere into each pouch.
Close with a skewer.
• Beat the eggs.
• Roll chops with flour, spice with salt and pepper, than roll in
beaten eggs and than in breadcrumbs.
• Fry in butter for approximate 10 minutes on both sides.
• Serve with lemon slices, rice or mashed potatoes and

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